To discovering the uniqueness of the domestic dog.
To realising and utilising the behavioural traits and instincts
That have made the domestic dog man’s best friend for generations
Setting it apart from all other animals.

Learn to train your dog

without pain fear and drugs but instead with common sense based on mutual respect and trust.

What to ask a perspective Trainer

Far too often people don’t ask enough questions before hiring the services of a dog trainer. Remember even if the dog doesn’t become trained it has still learned and that can mean bad habits if the advice given isn’t suitable.

  1. What is the basis of your training?
  2. Where did you learn to work with dogs?
  3. How long will it take?
  4. Have you worked with a dog or problem like mine before?
  5. Can I speak with anyone you have worked with?
  6. Do you give any guarantees?


These can be made available on request, although there is those that I have worked with that will happily share their experiences it is important to me that any persons or families and their dogs I work with have the comfort of knowing that whatever their needs maybe the work we do is confidential.